Sunday, September 23, 2012

Chai Pao / Vegetable Bun at Kung Fung Food Industries, Lanang Road, Sibu

I stumbled upon the photos of these buns by chance...after flipping through one of my photo folders.

I miss home very much.

I love these buns to bits. 

It is sold at the pao shop just before Jalan Aman roundabout, at the end of the first half of Lanang Road.

Vegetable bun at Lanang Road, Sibu

It does look like a cornish.

Except that this cornish is of Chinese descent. 

Vegetable bun at Lanang Road, Sibu
The filling is humongous. Very generous indeed, with a medley of vegetables. I detected salted vegetable, some dried shrimps, shredded jicama / local turnip, and is very flavorful.

This is a customary pre - dinner snack at my home.

Pardon me if there is grammatical errors along the way.

My memory loss is rather immense and by now I cannot speak fluently in Bahasa.

As for English, I am running out of vocabulary.

Oh my...what a life.



Anonymous said...

Looks pretty good...but I'm a meat person.

Anonymous said...

is that at 57c, Jalan Lanang road, KUNG FUNG FOOD INDUSTRIES"?

sibu food diva said...

57c, i'm not very sure. but kung fung food industries, yes. sorry it takes some time to reply you, anonymous. i had to pass by a few times to confirm the shop's name :)