Saturday, May 15, 2010

Best Banana Fritters in Kuching: Carpenter Street

I am, not a very big fan of deep-fried food.

But this,

is exceptional.

The most phenomenal goreng pisang, in Kuching.

Crispy on the outside, and a burst of sweetness and the lovely smell of banana lingering on tastebuds.


Absolutely lovely.

A hand-me-down business, mind you.

Located just a few steps away from the entrance to Carpenter Street.


eiling lim said...

wah looks good but so fattening la...

sibu food diva said...

eiling, indeed :) i've always thought goreng pisang is just blah... but this one is really out of the world

Deepak Acharya said...

I got my answer :)

photo ex machina said...

Looks delicious!

sibu food diva said...

deepak: aha! i'd love to hear about it.

photo ex machina: yes, very delicious indeed. :) thanks for dropping by at my blog